Join 50+ Scaling Their Agencies
Brands Me and My Students Have Scaled...
Intro To The EGA Model
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Intro To The EGA Model
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Founder, Barr Digital
Scaling E-commerce brands Since 2019
I started with an SMMA course. Soon realised, this whole 'SMMA' industry is b/s. Not necessarily how the model works, but more of how these gurus online make it out to be a get rich quick biz model.
Imagine buying a plain Porsche 911, a normal model. They look good, but everyone drives them, so no attention gets grabbed or value gets perceived. That's the definition of SMMA. A flashy, but non flashy biz model at the same time.
We see it different.
Now picture a 992 GT3 RS. Same model, but with loads of bells and whistles which stands out from the saturated normal 911 model that everyone looks at at buys into.
Welcome to the new era of 'SMMA'.
EGA - E-commerce Growth Agency. The new era of SMMA.
It's where you partner with thriving businesses, start-ups with investors, or rich guys who have no knowledge on E-commerce on branding, optimising and scaling their brand through paid acquisition, email marketing and several other £0 start up cost services.
Main answer is the cost of starting an E-commerce brand in significantly higher. Requires product research, tonnes of money, low quality products, shipping and suppliers. It's just a headache business which requires a lot of capital.
Profit margins are also super low around 20-30% compared to an agency being 80-90%.
Yes, 30 days unless watched more than 20% of the course materials.
Why? The materials in this course are worth 6 figures. Documents, contracts, scripts, templates. We will never allow anyone to invest into the program, download the materials and request a refund.
You get everything you need to start your own marketing agency from zero. You’ll learn finding and signing clients, service delivery, and hiring knowledge/ systems to scale your business to £10,000 per month.
We offer fast email sLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Sagittis lacus libero vestibulumupport to paid accounts and prioritized help for team accounts. Community support ( is available to free accounts.
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